York, PA Chapter September Luncheon Meeting (Mon, Sept. 14th in person)...Heike Martin Topic: Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

We invite you to learn, connect, be inspired, and meet other women!  We are an inclusive organization, and our membership includes women in a variety of professions and situations.

Our meeting begins at 11 am for networking and 11:30 am for the official start of the meeting.  Lunch includes a grilled chicken salad, soup and dessert.  $20 is payable directly to Heritage Hills

Spots are limited, so you must register to attend!  Only those who register are confirmed a spot.   You're welcome to be our guest one time.

Don't be shy!  Invite a friend to join you.  Our meeting is a "guest friendly" connect, and we love making new connections and creating new relationships.

SPEAKER:  Heike Martin...Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

Heike will talk about life lessons photography has taught her. She will provide tips on how your outlook on life can change when you learn how to change your perspective...all you have to do is step to the right or left. It’s something very simple that will have a huge impact on how you interact with the world around you.  Heike will have a visual presentation using images she has taken over the years.

We look forward to Rockin' the Dot with you!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 09-14-2020 11:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 09-14-2020 1:30 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 28
Remaining Seats Available 7
Location Heritage Hills

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting